About Us

We are a solid team with wide professional experience at national and international levels in the fields of cultural promotion and artist booking.


Vb. – From the Latin verb “expingere” (to push)
The word describes perfectly the voice of a tenor, who gives the sensation of pushing the voice out so that it can be projected with greater force in order to be more dramatic.
A tenor needs to give all of himself to reach the highest notes. Translated into what we do, Spinto means we will push hard to give our clients the best results in every challenge they face.
Spinto Talent
Spinto Talent is a booking agency focused on clients active in the cultural arena, particularly
music: singers, conductors, soloists, composers, among others.
Our aim is to assist them in their commitments in Mexico and other countries and to represent
them vis a vis cultural instances assuring them service excellence, in a personalized manner, in
order to achieve outstanding results and leave an imprint in their key audiences.
The proven experience of the team led by our CEO Greta Shelley in the cultural and music
spheres is the best guarantee of the high quality of the services provided by Spinto Talent.
  • Singers
  • Composers
  • Soloists
  • Orchestra conductors
  • Pianists
  • Curators
  • Musicians
  • and others


CEO Spinto Talent
COO Spinto Talent